Keaton Horner
Keaton Horner

Orennia Inc


Keaton Horner is an energy industry expert with a background in renewable energy and decarbonization. As the Director of Analytics at Orennia, he leads research and product development across wind, solar, storage and clean fuels. With a strong background in data analytics and technical analysis, Keaton advises corporate clients and institutional investors on investment strategies and capital allocation. Keaton earned a Bachelor's degree in Applied Science in Engineering from the University of Alberta.

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Power & Renewables

Ballroom Blitz: M&A in the power markets

Vidyu Kishor
Director, Renewables and Grid Solutions,
Osaka Gas USA
Javier Chavarria
Managing Director, Head of Global M&A,
Northland Power
Ignacio Callejo
SVP, U.S. Head of Investments,
Matrix Renewables
Keaton Horner
Orennia Inc
Gregory Berman
Director Investment Banking,
KeyBanc Capital Markets

After a wave of platform buyouts from institutional investors and equity funds, many younger developers are looking towards growth capital and securing their own equity. What will the next crop of developers need, and how is the M&A market responding? 

  • Lay of the land - who is buying and what are you seeking in new acquisitions? 

  • To what extent have debt market conditions influenced the pace of M&A activity?

  • Have valuations for assets changed drastically in the last year? Do you expect to see any large fluctuations by the end of 2023?